
作者:迷魂雪 時間:2023-04-04 來源:網路




1. "The first rule of Fight Club: You do not talk about Fight Club."(《搏擊俱樂部》的經典台詞在本片中也有出鏡)


2. "We have front row seats for this theater of mass destruction. The demolitions committee of Project Mayhem wrapped the foundation columns of a dozen buildings with blasting gelatin. In two minutes, primary charzen buildings with blasting gelatin. In two minutes, primary charges will bewg charges and few scharges willsh charges ges bwgary charges 和 few s charges 和 fewary charges ges 紙 3n charges willre 305s 305 月reduced to smoldering rubble. I know this because Tyler knows this."(我們有最佳位置觀看這場大規模破壞的表演。工程混沌的拆除委員會用爆炸膠狀物包裹了十幾棟建築物的基礎柱。兩分鐘後,主要炸藥將吹出基礎炸藥,幾個街區就會被燒成殘骸。我知道這一點是因為泰勒知道這一點。)

3. "I gotta say, I'm really enjoying this whole anonymity thing."


4. "This is your life, and it's ending one minute at a time."


5. "You met me at a very strange time in my life."


6. "How much can you know about yourself, you’ve never been in a fight?\nI don’t wanna die without any scars."


7. "Listen, now is not the time to be fucking cute. You need to get your fat ass back here now."



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