
作者:芯水 時間:2023-07-17 來源:網路


《碟中諜7》白寡婦宴會/公爵府配樂:ANU - Arrival


1、Mission:Impossible–Dead Reckoning Part One

2、The Sevastopol

3、The Phantom

4、Collision Alarm

5、A Ghost in the Machine

6、The Sum of Our Choices

7、Dead Reckoning Opening Titles

8、The Entity

9、Your Mission...

10、This Is Not a Drill

11、The Plot Thickens

12、You Are Dunn

13、Get Out Now

14、A Colourful Past

15、Rush Hour in Rome

16、Roman Getaway

17、You're Driving

18、Hit It

19、He Calls Himself Gabriel

20、A Most Probable Next

21、Run As Far As You Can

22、You Are Done

23、Chasing Grace

24、I Was Hoping It'd Be You

P25、Ponte Dei Conzafelzi

26、To Be a Ghost

27、What Is Your Objective

28、Murder and The Orient Express

29、Mask of Lies

30、I Missed the Train

31、Key Details

32、The Moment of Truth

33、Should You Choose to Accept

34、Leap of Faith


36、You Stop the Train

37、Chaos on the Line


39、This Was the Plan

40、Curtain Call


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